Happenings at the Garden

Our garden continues to not only produce fresh fruit and vegetables, it also provides a lovely space for everyone to enjoy.  Nice to see many different people enjoying the atmosphere.  Here are a few photos of the garden at the moment:

A plant in a container

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One of our bathtub gardens with a good crop of nasturtiums, silver beet, capsicums and a turnip.

Airlie Health Hub

Have you checked out the wonderful range of goodies in the Health Hub yet?  And the best news is they are going to be our sponsor, and help to get the word out about what we do.  We will be donating any excess produce from the garden to them for distribution, you may have already seen some of our turmeric there.


Our featured plant this time is the Cranberry Hibiscus (Hibiscus acetosella).  You have probably seen it growing in many spots in the garden.

There are many reasons to grow this useful plant:
1. It grows very happily in our climate as a short lived perennial.
2. It self seeds readily, and the seedlings can be left to replace the parent, or transplanted to another location.
3. Despite the self seeding, it is very easy to control.
4. The leaves are edible, and are one of the nicer tasting spinach substitutes.  Young leaves can be mixed with other leaves in a salad.
5. The flowers can be used in herbal teas, mostly to add a pretty pink colour.
6. With its deep red leaves and pink flowers, it is a very attractive plant.  It will grow quite tall (about 2 m) and looks less attractive as it ages, but is very useful anywhere in the garden.

2023 AGM

The new financial year is upon us, which means that your annual subscriptions are now due.  Our bank details are on the website (www.whitsundayocg.org.au), or drop in to the garden Wednesday or Sunday mornings.

All financial members will be able to nominate for committee positions at our upcoming AGM on Sunday 15 October, 10 am at the garden.  This may seem a long time away, but it comes around surprisingly quickly.

Please try to attend this meeting,as we will be planning activities for the following year.  We would love to see some new faces with fresh ideas.