Its been a long time since the last newsletter and there has been lots of happenings at the garden. Here are some highlights:

Early this year we had a concrete slab laid and moved the container and a new rainwater tank onto it. Then finally the roof was constructed and we now have a wonderful sheltered space to provide relief from the hot sun and any rain which may fall. This space is designed to be multifunctional and hopefully will be used by the whole community.

Abundance Swap Days, held on the last Sunday of each month have been very popular. Lots of produce has been swapped and put to good use, and we have seen many new faces at the garden. If you haven’t yet attended, hopefully we will see you on Sunday 24 November.

To celebrate Naidoc week a few hardy gardeners braved the unseasonal rain and planted our Bushtucker Garden. This is designed as a Permaculture Guild and features a central native gardenia (Atractocarpus fitzalanii) surrounded by various native herbaceous plants and shrubs. Details of the planting can be found in the container.


Regular gardening sessions continue every Wednesday and Sunday mornings 9 – 11 am. Sometimes we even have child labour.

Happening soon “Adopt a Garden Bed”

We would like to trial an adoption programme for our garden beds. Anyone interested in having a bed to grow your favourite veg, herbs or fruit let us know and we will allocate the most appropriate bed for you.


Volunteers needed

People needed to take on specific tasks or areas of the garden, for example, the worm farm, bananas, compost, perhaps set up a seed library, maybe have some art in the garden. Anyone good at making signs would be a huge help.

Share waste

There have been some enquiries from people wishing to leave food waste to be composted, so we will join the Share Waste scheme to help keep food waste out of land fill. We will need large Gedye compost bins (rodent proof). If anyone has one of these bins they no longer use we would be very grateful.

Happy gardening!