Welcome to our first newsletter!

Over the last twelve months we have made enormous progress with our community garden.

In September 2016 the Whitsunday Regional Council agreed for us to use the Galbraith Park site with the particular help of Councillor Ron Petterson.

To fulfil our obligations as an incorporated body we held our first AGM in October 2016 and from that our current committee was elected.

Plants Whitsunday generously donated soil and compost and we established our first garden beds.

We applied for various community and government grants over summer and were successful in gaining two grants to get our project established.

Cyclone Debbie then provided us with mountains of garden mulch that the council assisted us in moving to the site.

In July our Community Fruit Forest Planting Day saw a big turnout from our garden family including lots of very welcome new faces. We planted over fifty trees including fruit and windbreak species. Thanks to Plants Whitsunday for the fruit trees and Landcare for the windbreak trees.

A bore was drilled and a solar pump will be installed soon. Our storage container has arrived and we are in the process of filling it with tools and garden equipment. Our first water tank has been ordered and is on its way. Over the next few weeks we will be very busy on site seeing these major parts of our infrastructure established.

Bunnings have generously donated garden beds, tools and plants and we held a planting day on Setember 10.

We will be scheduling regular working bees over the next few months, keep an eye on our Facebook page or the website for more information.

All welcome at the garden every Wednesday and Sunday from 9am.

From the garden

The garden has provided us with an abundance of beautiful eggplant and bush basil.

Bush basil
Bush basil

In the kitchen

Looking for a delicous eggplant recipe?

The Healthy Chef – Teresa Cutter shares with us her Perfect Baba Ghanoush recipe.
View recipe

Fruit forest planting day pics – by Evie Jones

Become a member

Join our garden family and show your support as we grow our community garden. We invite you to join us by volunteering in the garden, attending workshops and sharing beautiful produce. Even if you can’t make it along, your financial support would be appreciated.

Membership is open to individuals, families, schools, clubs and other organisations.

Visitors are always welcome!

Membership form

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Upcoming events

Friday and Sunday

All welcome at the garden each Friday and Sunday from 9am.

Abundance Day

Check our Facebook page for our next “Swap and Share” day.  Share the surplus of crops whether grown at the garden or in your own home gardens. Also anything created from the produce as well like preserves and baked goods. 


Find us

45 Galbraith Park Drive
Cannon Valley 

View map